Skylights and domes
Skylights are the primary source of interior heat in the summertime. All day long, all the pleasant sunlight enters via your skylight, but certainly also the hot IR sunrays. To block this heat, we’ve developed our solar control coatings. They attach perfectly to any type of surface like polyester, glass, polycarbonate and polyacrylate. With our sun-reflective paints, you can keep any skydome, veranda roof, conservatory roof, or warehouse skylight cool. The coatings contain pigments that reflect heat rays. You only have to choose between a translucent or a glare-blocking version. We have developed three versions for this purpose, each with its qualities.
4EVERblue reflects the solar IR infra-red radiation which results in 57% TSER.
4EVERblue is the most translucent solar control for skylights worldwide. VLT = 47%
4EVERblue last for more than 8 years when applied by a trained Authorised Liquisol Applicator.
4EVERblue has succeeded the most independent tests compared to any other skylight solar control solution.
4EVERdark is our extreme sun blocker for skydomes with a TSER of 65%.
Applicable on all skylight surfaces.
Suitable for extremely hot regions as it blocks the glare: VLT = 33%