All-day long, the roof is been attacked by hot solar IR solar radiation. The well known heat-island effect is mostly caused by black roofs. Our white cool-roof coatings resolve this problem. In Europe, cool roofs aren’t commonly used, compared to the USA. Therefore we developed our ROI software to pre-calculate the impact of a white cool roof on the interior. This way you know if you can make a difference in your energy efficiency and lower your carbon footprint.
Improves the cooling energy efficiency of your building. It results in incredible cooling energy savings.
Applicable on all bitumen and EPDM surfaces.
Lower the roof surface temperature from 80 ° C to 35 ° C.
Increases the efficiency of solar panels.
Easily applicable by roller or airless.
The 2WHITE software tool pre-calculates the impact of 2WHITE on your building
Together with the Belgian university KU Leuven we developed a software module that determines how many hours a year the building will become cooler. The tool is very easy to use and takes only 5 minutes of your time. Immediately you receive the results via mail.
The software is based on the independent test results of the German Fraunhofer Institute.
Now you can quickly determine whether a cool roof is important for your energy savings and carbon footprint. Do the test here and now!
This is really “Wiser with Energy”
Este tutorial le enseña a utilizar la herramienta 2WHITE.