Temporary and removable solar reflective coating for skylights
You can apply 3SEASONSblue on every type of skylight, PMMA, Polycarbonate, polyester and glass. 3SEASONSblue is a temporary, removable solar reflective coating that reduces the heat from any skylight. The coating is translucent, not transparent. Our specially developed pigments reflect the infrared radiation of the sun outside. That way, you can keep any room under the skydomes cool when you want it to be cool. If you no longer wish to use our solar control, remove it using the s00p SC, water and 10% ammonia. It’s as easy as that.
It blocks 57% of the solar heat from any plastic and glass skylights or domes.
It is ideally suited for rentals or tests because it’s removable. Temporary means removable: with water+s00p+ammonia, you can remove the coating when you want.
When applied to plastic, it’s more than essential to use the s00p SC to clean the surface. It’s for the insurance of your work!